X.509 Certificates¶
All certificates from the database are displayed in a tree view reflecting the chain dependencies. If there is a CA certificate and several client certificates signed by this CA, the client certificates can be shown by clicking on the plus sign of the CA certificate.
CA Certificates¶
XCA will recognize CA certificates if the CA flag in the Basic Constraints is set to true. If there is a corresponding private key, the CA sub-menu in the context-menu will be enabled.
For building the chains the CA flag is disregarded, because there are some CAs without this flag. Instead it considers the issuer name and the signature to decide which certificate is the issuer.
If there is more than one CA certificate with the same subject and private key, it is undeterminable which one was selected during the signing process. This is not an issue. This usually happens if a CA certificate got renewed. In this case XCA selects the certificate with the later expiry date as anchor for the issued certificates.
CA Properties¶
For every CA a default template can be configured that will be automatically applied when creating a new certificate. The CRL days define the preset expiry time to the next CRL release when issuing a new CRL.
Generating certificates¶
After clicking on the New Certificate button the Certificate input dialog will be started to ask all needed information for generating a new Certificate. See: Certificate Input Dialog. Certificate creation can also be invoked by the context menu of the certificate list background or by the context menu of the request. In this case the Certificate input dialog is preset with the request to be signed.
If a CA certificate is selected in the certificate list, this certificate will be preselected as issuing certificate.
Certificate details¶
The signer is the internal name of the issuers certificate in the database. Or SELF SIGNED if it is self signed or SIGNER UNKNOWN if the issuer’s certificate is not available. The validity is set to valid if the certificate’s dates are valid or to Not valid if they are not, compared to the internal time and date of the Operating System.
If the certificate is revoked, the revocation date will be shown instead.
On the Subject and Issuer tab the distinguished name is also displayed in a format defined in RFC2253 for copy&paste.
Certificate validation¶
For end entity certificates an OpenSSL certificate validation and purpose checking is executed and the result is shown in the Validation tab. The Error codes and their meaning can be found in the OpenSSL documentation or explained in more detail at https://x509errors.org/. XCA also displays the internal OpenSSL error keyword for a better lookup.
The certificate purpose is described here: https://docs.openssl.org/master/man3/X509_check_purpose
Certificate Export¶
Clipboard: Export certificates to the clipboard
Clipboard format: The format for the clipboard can be selected as follows:
PEM: (*.crt) PEM Text format with headers
PEM chain: (*.pem) Concatenated text format of the complete certificate chain in one PEM file
PEM + key: (*.pem) Concatenation of the certificate and the unencrypted private key in one PEM file
PEM + PKCS#8: (*.pem) Concatenation of the certificate and the encrypted private key in PKCS#8 format in one file
File: Export to external file. The filename can be selected in the export dialog and the Export format:
PEM: (*.crt) PEM Text format with headers
PEM selected: (*.pem) Concatenated list of all selected certificates in one PEM text file
PEM chain: (*.pem) Concatenated text format of the complete certificate chain in one PEM file
OpenVPN: (*.ovpn) The complete certificate chain and the private key of the selected certificate with tags usable in OpenVPN configuration files
PEM + key: (*.pem) Concatenation of the certificate and the unencrypted private key in one PEM file
PEM + PKCS#8: (*.pem) Concatenation of the certificate and the encrypted private key in PKCS#8 format in one file
All unusable: (*.pem) Concatenation of all expired or revoked certificates in one PEM file
PKCS #7: (*.p7b) PKCS#7 encoded single certificate
PKCS #7: (*.p7b) All selected certificates encoded in one PKCS#7 file
PKCS #7 chain: (*.p7b) PKCS#7 encoded complete certificate chain
PKCS #7 unusable: (*.p7b) PKCS#7 encoded collection of all expired or revoked certificates
DER: (*.cer) Binary DER encoded certificate
PKCS #12 chain: (*.pfx) The complete certificate chain and the private key as encrypted PKCS#12 file
PKCS #12: (*.pfx) The certificate and the private key as encrypted PKCS#12 file
Certificate Index file: (*.txt) OpenSSL specific Certificate Index file as created by the ‘ca’ command and required by the OCSP tool
vCalendar: (*.ics) vCalendar expiry reminder for the selected items
CA vCalendar: (*.ics) vCalendar expiry reminder containing all issued, valid certificates, the CA itself and the latest CRL
OpenSSL config: (*.conf) OpenSSL configuration file to create a certificate or request with the openssl commandline tool
OpenVPN tls-auth key: (*.key) The OpenVPN tls-auth key is a secret key shared between endpoints
JSON Web Kit: (*.jwk) The public key of the certificate in JSON Web Kit format with X.509 Certificate Thumbprint (x5t)
JSON Web Kit chain: (*.jwk) The public key of the certificate in JSON Web Kit format with X.509 Certificate Thumbprint (x5t) and certificate chain (x5c)
Token: Store certificate on the Security token containing the private key.
Other token: Store certificate on any Security token.
When exporting PKCS#12 structures XCA asks later for an encryption password.
Microsoft Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP)¶
The PKCS#12/PFX export function will include the CSP from the comment section of the corresponding private key. The first line containing “CSP: <CSP Name>” like CSP: Microsoft Tatooine Sand Provider will put the CSP Name into the PKCS#12 file.
Certificate Transformation¶
A certificate transformation creates a new database entry based on the selected certificate.
Public Key: Extract the public key from the certificate and store it in the Private Keys Tab.
Request: Create a PKCS#10 request by using the data from the certificate. The private key of the certificate must be available for this option.
Similar Certificate: Starts the Certificate input dialog preset with all values from the current certificate to create a new certificate.
Template: Create a XCA template with the values of the request.
Certificate revocation¶
Certificates can only be revoked, if the private key of the issuer’s certificate is available. The certificate will be marked as revoked and the revocation date and reason will be stored with the CA certificate.
If more than one unrevoked certificate of the same issuer is selected, all of them will be revoked at once with the same revocation date and reason. The context menu shows this by adding the number of selected certificates in squared brackets.
To generate a CRL, revoke the appropriate certificates and select CA->Generate CRL in the context-menu of the signing certificate.
Certificate renewal¶
Certificates can only be renewed, if the private key of the issuer’s certificate is available. Renewal is done by creating a new certificate as a copy of the original one with adjusted validity dates.
Use the Revoke old certificate check-box to automatically revoke the old certificate.
If more than one certificate of the same issuer is selected, all of them will be renewed at once with the same validity dates. The context menu shows this by adding the number of selected certificates in squared brackets.
CA special functions¶
The context menu of CA certificates contains the CA sub-menu, which makes the following functions available:
CRL days: The days until the next CRL release.
Signing Template: The default template for issuing certificates.
Generate CRL: Generate the CRL by collecting all revoked certificates and their revocation date.
Manage revocations: Displays all revocations and allows to manipulate them. Non existing certificates may be revoked by adding the serial number of the certificate. It is not required anymore to keep revoked certificates in the database, because the revocation information is stored together with the CA certificate.